4 Tips for Beating a Speeding Ticket in Las Vegas

Speeding tickets can happen to most of us, and if you’re pulled over for speeding, you don’t need to panic. Unless you drive like a senior citizen, you will know the terrible feeling of seeing the unmistakable flashing red and blue lights that ignite in your rearview mirror after you have been zooming down the road. There are officers that decide whether you are getting a ticket or a warning before they approach your vehicle. But here, we will give you tips that can help you get out of your speeding ticket in Las Vegas. 

Beating a speeding ticket

  1. Behave calmly and predictably.

You will want to make sure that the police officer that pulls you over will feel at ease and not threatened in any way. You can do these when pulled over: pull over to a safe spot and turn off your engine. Roll down your window and keep both hands in the steering wheel while the officer approaches the car and while you are speaking. Don’t get out of your car unless the officer asks you to, and let the officer know if you have to get anything from your glove compartment or pocket before you reach. It will keep the situation at ease.

  1. Speak calmly and with respect to the officer.

Even if you feel like you have been pulled over without any reason, the traffic stop is not the best to argue that point. Make sure to not lose your cool and disrespect the police officer. An officer that feels respected will likely show leniency. Some officers said that people who make polite small talk, such as asking how the day is going, can be nice. It’s because they give polite people more of a break. As a general rule, you should say more than necessary.

  1. Do not incriminate yourself.

If you are asked how fast you are going, it is better to simply and politely state that you are not sure. The key is you don’t want to give the police officer more information that he can then use against you if you decide to contest the ticket later in court. If the officer is not satisfied with you telling him that you are not sure why you pulled over, then you can also say that you thought you were driving at the normal speed of traffic. 

  1. Ask the officer if they can give you a warning.

At this point, you showed that you’re polite and respectful of the police officer. That’s why it’s a good time to ask to be let off with a warning. Be careful about saying that you will stop speeding or anything that can incriminate yourself in the process of trying to get off with a warning. If you play your cards right, this could be a great option to put an end to everything on the same day. 

Make sure that you do the tips above to avoid further problems when facing a speeding ticket. You can try inquiring and getting help from firms like Las Vegas Traffic Tickets for attorneys experienced in this field. Find out more here, and they will assign your ticket to an attorney and keep you updated.


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