5 Things that Could Happen if Charged with DUI

 Being pulled over by a police officer out of nowhere is not something that vehicle owners look forward to. Even more so if you've had a few drinks. If you believe it is safe for you to drive, it is time to reconsider your decision before you regret it. The first thing that comes to mind after being arrested for DUI is contacting a Las Vegas DUI lawyer who can assist you if you are speeding or have caused a serious accident. As a result, you must select an experienced lawyer who will vigorously represent you.

Things that happen in a DUI charge

1. You’ll Get Arrested 

Driving under the influence may not be as serious as other offenses, but it should not be taken lightly. You should expect a sobriety or breathalyzer test if an officer pulls you over. If you do not appear in court, you will be issued a summons or ticket with a court date. You should also anticipate being handcuffed and hauled to the station. Following that, you may be required to pose for a mugshot and have your fingerprints taken. If someone posts your bail, you can go home, although it depends on your state.

2. Consult a DUI Lawyer

Hiring a top-notch DUI defense lawyer is the greatest method to beat a DUI charge. A skilled attorney should be able to examine your case and hunt for opportunities to obtain essential evidence. The majority of firms now provide a free initial consultation. You must discuss what occurred and learn more about what may occur when you appear in court.

3. You Can Lose Your Driving Privileges

If you are convicted, you may lose your driving rights for an extended period of time, regardless of your driving history or record. Some states provide a hardship license that allows you to lawfully drive to school or a job. Even if your license has been revoked in court, it can be canceled.

4. You Will Pay a Fine

If you are convicted of DUI, you will face a prison sentence as well as a fine. Minimum and maximum penalties vary by state, and you can inquire with law companies such as Las Vegas Traffic Tickets.

5. You May be Sent to Jail

One of the terrifying repercussions of being caught driving intoxicated is the risk of going to jail. If you are a first-time offender, you should expect to spend only a few days in jail. However, no matter how much time you spend in prison, it is still jail time. If you cause property damage or cause physical injury, you could face harsher punishment.

Driving under the influence may be the consequence of a series of poor decisions, but it can also lead to more significant issues. If you have a run-in with the law, it is always better to seek urgent assistance from professionals. Click here to get the best team to defend you against DUI charges. They will help you in getting a representation in court and free you of DUI charges.


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