5 Facts About Las Vegas Speeding Ticket that You Need to Know

Speeding tickets are considered as one of the most common offenses for which people appear in court. Safe driving and adherence to speed limits are always important, and there are times when unavoidable things happen. For example,  you may go from a one-speed limit zone to another and fail to slow down quickly enough, and the next thing you know, you’re issued with a Las Vegas speeding ticket. Other than getting an experienced attorney, it can be also helpful to understand the basics of the law. Here are some things that you should know.

Facts about speeding ticket

  1. You may not be required to appear in court

It is your right to appear in court to dispute your speeding ticket. But, you may not be required to appear in court by paying your citation before the scheduled date. Whether it is in your best interest to appear is something that should be decided on a case-by-case basis. It is usually considered unwise to decide not to appear in court, but it may be possible to reduce your penalty. Your attorney can also review the details of your case and advise you of the best course of action. 

  1. The radar cannot automatically prove guilt

Although the radar is an important law enforcement tool, it can’t stand alone as convicting evidence. Along with the radar evidence, the officer must also provide additional testimony that verifies the speeding offense. The radar is used to corroborate this testimony. 

  1. Driving school may be an option for you

It is a good idea to brush up on important skills like driving. But, attending driving school can benefit you in other ways as well. Even driving school is not mandatory, you may want to attend to obtain better results at your trial. Your attorney can discuss whether or not taking a driving course is a good choice when it comes to your case. 

  1. It might be a bad idea to pay your citation through the mail

You might be tempted to mail your citation payment right away, but it may not be the wisest thing to do. Once you email your payment, it means that you’re admitting guilt. You are convicted on the speed you were charged with, and there will be no further opportunities for a reduction. Before you decide to pay for your citation, consult with an attorney from Las Vegas Traffic Tickets as they may be able to obtain a lesser charge or recommend something else. When you get a speeding ticket, it is important to obtain legal representation. 

  1. An attorney can save you money

Once you get a speeding ticket, it is important to obtain legal representation. Some law firms offer quality legal representation at affordable rates for speeding ticket cases. There’s a high cost of court fees and insurance premiums, and hiring them can save you money. They will work hard to obtain the best results for your case, and if you’re charged with speeding, don’t delay. 

Now that you know the basics about speeding tickets in Las Vegas, you may click here and meet a team of experienced traffic lawyers that can help you with your charges.


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